2000/10/21 「継続して思う」
The most important thing for company is to provide what customer is requesting from the company and set it as a company policy to maintain that philosophy.
That firm policy of pursuing the customer satisfaction is the most important thing for growth of company and it’s certain way to success in the business. This attractive company policy is calling attractive and capable personnel and it will give another opportunity for company to grow and step in to new business field to provide higher level of customer satisfaction and innovation for the customer convenience.
Originally the purpose of starting up the new business should come up from strong will to make things good and make customer happy and satisfied. Not to lose your way, you shall not forget this original purpose of starting up the business.
In order to get your staff work as you think, at first you have to explain them company strategy and his role from entire process of operation, secondly give him sufficient training or recruit skilled staff from the beginning with higher salary.
What is particularly important is to teach and install the company strategy, how they think the customer is important for them. Customer can tell them how they can satisfy customer demands and what customer is requesting. The company which doesn’t use these messages from customer is losing the most important free resource for business itself.
If you have firm policy for your business and it’s appropriate from market, you should open and insist it. Then start to embody it in real world. If it match to customer demands and focus right future, you will get excellent comparator and supporters.
Before that, you have to build up your own policy for new business and cultivate the right sight and personality in yourself to avoid to miss your way in the future.