




1998/09/04 「コントロールしきれない」

There are a lot of uncontrollable things in the world.

I am dealing with E1 circuit test from the week before last week but still proceeding not finished yet. I can’t believe this. Actually we have been already handed over this circuit twice. In each time there were a lot of Errors on this circuit when we finished our test after it has been handed over to us. I got it back to WorldCom in each time. Today I tried to test our own test for this circuit from 16:00 with my colleague in French office, Mr V.

At first I tried to do several types of test to narrow down the wrong point. But on it’s way I lost my colleague, suddenly I couldn’t contact him. Although I was waiting for him for around 1Hour, I couldn’t catch him so that I left there. But 10 mins later after I came back to office, I got a call from Vincent and he said he still be in the Paris Pop. I couldn’t believe it !! At that moment I couldn’t say anything. Now only what I can do is to pray to finish the test with successful.

Anyway there are a lot of uncontrollable thing in the world. I thought it is very easy if I can do everything by myself…..

Today I was about to be disappointed Mr V. Of course I also get back myself , too. It seems there was my fault, too. My fault might be my English pronunciation, if there are something.

Anyway I am very tired in this week. Fuuu…. I should get more tough.

Suddenly I am going to be able to write my plan down.
1. I will buy a car after I come back from Japan.
2. I will go to buy fishing staff.
3. I will go fishing by my car.
4. I move into 2nd floor room of this flat.

Everything will start from buying the car.







